102nd Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG) & EFEHR Scientific Session 2024

Published on Monday October 14, 2024

Many thanks to all participants for a great meeting!

Dates: 27-29 November 2024

Location: Alvisse Parc Hotel, Luxembourg

Hosted by: ECGS

General Overview

Risk assessment bridges the geo-hazards to their societal consequences. As such, it constitutes the most outward-facing component in the chain, starting from gathering the data and modeling the phenomenon towards understanding its consequences. This is where models meet reality; and the reality is invariably complex and multi-risk. In the past decades, the scientific community has established an understanding of single hazards and their direct consequences. However, there is still a lot to explore regarding the complex interactions between hazards and their consequences on society, those situations in which the union is larger than the simple mathematical sum, and where a direct cause and effect pattern can be sometimes difficult to establish.

In this session, we provide a brief outlook through some of the challenges that we face in multi-hazard and multi-risk analysis of geohazards and their consequences. We would like to address questions such as:

  • What are the challenges, needs and gaps as seen from the “real world”? What is the point of view of stakeholders and the private sector?
  • How can we make the most of multidisciplinary datasets?
  • Towards multi-hazard or hazard-agnostic exposure models? Can multi-hazard vulnerabilities be possibly harmonised?
  • What is the future of earthquake ground motion models?
  • Which are the challenges for time-dependent seismic hazard assessment? Can short-term forecasting become operational?
  • How to capture the interactions between slow-onset (e.g., sea-level rise, ageing, heat waves) and fast-onset events (e.g., tsunami, earthquakes, landslides)?
  • Cross-cutting: how can Machine learning and AI help us with the above challenges?
  • How to communicate our research with a broader audience?

We invite the EFEHR members, as well as researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and anyone passionate about the intersection of AI, Earth Sciences, and societal resilience to geo-hazards to participate in this enlightening and inspiring event.


  • Laurentiu Danciu (ETH Zurich)
  • Adrien Oth (ECGS)
  • Fatemeh Jalayer (UC London)

Local Organisers

  • Adrien Oth
  • Yannick Breh
  • Maxime Jaspard
  • Gilles Celli


The full programme of the meeting can be found here.

JLG102 / EFEHR Scientific Session 2024, November 27-29, 2014
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
V. Silva (University of Aveiro) Multi-hazard Exposure Model of GEM PDF icon
Gerard O’Reilly (EUCENTRE Foundation) Built environment data for multi-hazard vulnerability models within EPOS PDF icon
Fatemeh Jalayer (UCL) Multi-hazard vulnerability models within EPOS PDF icon
Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ/ETH) Every building on Earth!
Subash Ghimire (ISTerre) Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Average Annual Losses Assessment and Comparison with ESRM20 Results in France PDF icon
Salvatore Iacoletti (AXA XL) Modeling earthquake risk and its secondary effects – The (Re)Insurance Industry Perspective and Needs
Radmila Salic Makreska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje) UCPM efforts in addressing multi-risk cross-border and multi-country challenges in the Western Balkans through several recent initiatives PDF icon
Zuzana Stanton-Geddes (World Bank) From data to decisions – using data and information for scaling up disaster and climate resilience PDF icon
Alexandra Tsioulou (Gallagher RE) Multi-risk perils: The view, needs and gap from the (re)insurance industry PDF icon
Michèle Marti (ETH) Interactive Communications Session PDF icon
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Susana Custodio (University of Lisbon) Earthquake processes in Low-Strain Regions, Challenges and Opportunities: An example from West Iberia PDF icon
Panagiotis Elias (NOA / University of Patras) Space geodesy for geohazards assessment and monitoring: Well established applications, new insights and potential PDF icon
Leila Mizrahi (ETH) Towards European Operational Earthquake Forecasting and Time-Dependent Hazard and Risk Assessment PDF icon
Francesco Visini (INGV) Testing Seismic Hazard Models: lessons learned from Italy PDF icon
Dino Bindi (GFZ) From magnitude-distance scaling to the non-ergodic paradigm: the long journey of ground motion models PDF icon
Chiara Smerzini (Politecnico di Milano) Physics-based numerical simulations: recent advances and challenges of a new frontier for earthquake ground motion prediction PDF icon
Filippo Gatti (CentraleSupelec) Generative strategies to empower physics-based wave propagation with deep learning PDF icon
Carlos Molina Hutt (Univ. British Columbia) Utilization of earthquake-induced ground motions in engineering practice and risk analysis PDF icon
Friday, November 29, 2024
Carlo Meletti (INGV) The legacy of MPS19, the “useless” Italian hazard model PDF icon
Antonio A. Correia (LNEC) Increasing Earthquake Resilience In Almada, Portugal. Seismic Risk Assessment And Communication
Andrea Rovida (INGV), Roberto Basili (INGV), Laurentiu Danciu (ETH) GeoINQUIRE Multi-hazard, Multi-risk services: hands-on session PDF icon
Pasquale, Cito, and Iunio Iervolino Drivers to seismic hazard curve slope.
Melissianos, V.E., D. Vamvatsikos, L. Danciu and R. Basili Design displacement for lifelines at fault crossings: the code‑based approach for Europe PDF icon
Galasso, Carmine, Kenneth Otarola, Leandro Iannacone and Roberto Gentile Multi-hazard life-cycle consequence analysis of engineering systems
Vacareanu, Radu and Viorel Popa Seismic risk mitigation strategy of Romania
Gatti, Filippo, Fanny Lehmann, Hugo Gabrielidis, Michaël Bertin, and Didier Clouteau Fault-to-site data-enhanced high-fidelity earthquake simulator for regional ground motion prediction
Akinci, Aybige, Arben Pitarka and Pietro Artale Harris Comparing 1D/3D ground motion simulations for earthquakes in Central Italy
Manea, E. F., L. Danciu, C.O. Cioflan, D. Toma-Danila and M. Gerstenberger Testing the 2020 European seismic hazard model in Romania
Vanneste, Kris and Mahsa Onvani The BELSHAKE database of earthquake ground motion in Belgium PDF icon
Onvani, Mahsa and Kris Vanneste Kappa computation and evaluation for the BELSHAKE dataset
Masson, Frédéric and the ATTS and Alceste teams Seismic hazard and risk activities within Epos-France and progress on the Alceste project
Grajçevci, Florim and Labeat Misini Seismic hazard of Kosovo PDF icon
Grajçevci, Florim and Labeat Misini A targeted seismic upgrading method for precast roof-beam columns connections using adaptable seismic safety key devices PDF icon
Xhahysa, A., N.Kuka, M.Pagani and K.Bayliss National seismic hazard model of Albania PDF icon
Pandolfi, Claudia, Matteo Taroni, Rita de Nardis, Giusy Lavecchia, and Aybige Akinci Unveiling Seismic Hazard Merging Geophysical and Catalog-based Data into a 3D Seismic Rate Model: a Case Study from the Adriatic Thrust Zone (Italy) PDF icon
Gabrielli, Simona, Aybige Akinci and Edoardo Del Pezzo Unveiling Seismic Hazard Merging Investigating the impact of attenuation variations on ground motion models in Central Italy PDF icon

Venue and Practical Aspects

The meeting was held from 27 to 29 November 2024 at the Alvisse Parc Hotel Luxembourg.