ECGS & ESC/EAEE Joint Workshop: Earthquake and Induced Multi-Risk Early Warning and Rapid Response

Published on Wednesday February 18, 2015

Thanks to all participants for a great workshop!
First set of presentations is available below.

Last updated: 12 January 2016

EEWRR 2015 Group Photo

EEWRR 2015 Poster


  • Adrien Oth, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS), Luxembourg
  • Stefano Parolai, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany

Scientific Committee

  • Atilla Ansal, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Carlo Cauzzi, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Mauro Dolce, Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC), Italy
  • Katsuichiro Goda, University of Bristol, UK
  • Thomas H. Heaton, California Institute of Technology, USA
  • Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Japan
  • Iunio Iervolino, University of Naples, Italy
  • Adrien Oth, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS), Luxembourg
  • Stefano Parolai, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
  • Friedemann Wenzel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
  • Aldo Zollo, University of Naples, Italy

Keynote Speakers

  • Maren Böse, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Thomas H. Heaton, California Institute of Technology, USA
  • Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Japan
  • Iunio Iervolino, University of Naples, Italy
  • Stefano Parolai, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
  • Friedemann Wenzel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Local Organizing Committee

  • Adrien Oth, ECGS, Luxembourg
  • Corine Galassi, ECGS, Luxembourg
  • Gilles Celli, ECGS / National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg
  • Eric Buttini, ECGS / National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg

With the Support of

Scope of the Workshop

In recent years, significant advances have been made in the development of earthquake early warning systems in various earthquake-prone regions around the world. In simple terms, these systems take advantage of the fact that information about the onset of a potentially damaging earthquake can be processed and transmitted faster via modern communication tools than the speed of the travelling seismic waves, allowing to issue warnings on the order of seconds up to minutes in some cases before the damaging waves reach the target of interest to be protected. While some of these systems are at a very mature state, in particular in regions where excellent infrastructure is available (e.g., California, Japan), this is not the case in many economically developing countries. Some of these countries face an extraordinary level of seismic risk, yet large-scale seismic networks cannot be funded, and the principles used in such elaborate systems are not simply transportable to these situations. Significant research efforts are still underway to develop optimal systems for such cases, allowing for the extraction of a maximum of information from a minimum number of recordings.

Earthquake early warning does however not stop with the estimation of the ground shaking that the target may expect in the seconds/minutes to come. In many regions, the situation is highly complicated by the potential generation of earthquake-triggered secondary effects, such as tsunamis or landslides. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan is a tragic example of the importance to integrate early warning and risk mitigation procedures for ground shaking and these associated risks. In this endeavour, it is crucial to take into account the specific requirements of the end users in order to make early warning useful for society. For example, critical facilities such as nuclear power plants, large dams, chemical factories, public transportation systems etc. present highly variable such requirements and as rule also involve the need for advanced real-time structural monitoring.

These non-trivial tasks require intense collaboration between scientists and engineers who design the decision-making-implementation systems, and thus need to be addressed at the interface of these communities. The 2015 ECGS workshop, organized in collaboration with the European Seismological Commission (ESC) and the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE), aims at providing a platform to gather around one table scientists and engineers, including researchers and engineering practioners, to discuss and look for solutions to the problems still encountered and foster their collaboration.

Important Deadlines

  • July 31, 2015: Abstract submission deadline [closed]
  • July 3, 2015: Student/young scientist travel grant application deadline [closed]
  • September 1, 2015: Early-bird registration deadline [closed]
  • October 16, 2015: Final registration deadline [closed]
  • November 18-20, 2015: ECGS workshop [held]
  • April 11, 2016: Submission deadline for contributions to the proceedings volume

Scientific Program & Presentations (status: 12 January 2016)

Last modified: 16 November 2015

Download the Scientific Program (with short-term modifications) as a PDF document.

Download the Abstract Volume as a PDF document (Registered participants only).

Oral Presentations
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Böse, M., Y. Behr, T. Heaton and J. Clinton (Keynote lecture) From Single-Station Prediction to Finite-Fault Detection: the Large Spectrum of EEW Algorithms and the Question of How to Combine Them PDF icon
Picozzi, M., P. Brondi, A. Emolo, A. Zollo and M. Mucciarelli An Attempt of Predicting the Macroseismic Intensity from Early Radiated Energy for On-site Earthquake Early Warning in Italy PDF icon
Kodera, Y., Y. Yamada, S. Adachi, M. Morimoto, Y. Nishimae and M. Hoshiba The Eight Years of Earthquake Early Warning Operation in the Japan Meteorological Agency PDF icon
Lior, I., A. Ziv and R. Madariaga P-wave Attenuation with Implications for Earthquake Early Warning PDF icon
Thursday, 19 November 2015
A. Sato and K. Yomogida Quick Estimation of Wavefield by a Neumann-type Extrapolation for a New Earthquake Early Warning System PDF icon
Zollo, A., M. Picozzi, A. Emolo, S. Colombelli, L. Elia, G. Festa and C. Martino Worldwide Applications Of Presto – Probabilistic And Evolutionary Early Warning System PDF icon
Stankiewicz, J., D. Bindi, A. Oth, M. Pittore and S. Parolai The Use of Spectral Content to Improve Earthquake Early Warning Systems in Central Asia: Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan PDF icon
Cauzzi, C., J. Clinton, D. Fäh, P. Kästli, S. Wiemer, D.J. Wald, M. Hearne,
C.B. Worden and E.M. Thompson
Secondary Earthquake Hazards in Swiss ShakeMaps PDF icon
Goda, K. Tsunami Warning and Hazard Prediction based on Inaccurate Earthquake Source Parameters PDF icon
Pilz, M., S. Parolai and T. Boxberger A Multi-Parameter System for Real-time Monitoring of Landslide Activity PDF icon
Friday, 20 November 2015
Iervolino, I. (Keynote lecture) Applying Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering before, during, and after a Mainshock PDF icon
Poster Presentations
2 Picozzi, M., A. Emolo, C. Martino, A. Zollo, S. Colombelli and the REAKT Working Group PRESToPlus and Sentinel an Earthquake Early Warning System for Schools: a Feasibility Study in Southern Italy PDF icon
4 Kuyuk, H.S., A. Pinar, R.M. Allen and M.O. Erdik Authorizing GRound shaking for Earthquake Early warning Systems, (AGREEs): Application to 2014 South Napa Earthquake PDF icon
5 Hayashimoto, N., T. Nakamura and M. Hoshiba Stability of Ocean Bottom Seismograph Data Exposed to Strong Shaking: Efforts for Utilizing OBS for Earthquake Early Warning PDF icon
6 Ogiso, M., N. Hayashimoto and M. Hoshiba Array Observation of Strong Motion for a Real-time Estimation of Current Wavefield PDF icon
7 Montagner, J.-P., M. Barsuglia, K. Juhel, J.-P. Ampuero, E. Chassande-Mottin, J. Harms, B. Whiting, P. Bernard, E Clévédé and P. Lognonné Prompt Earthquake Detection based on Transient Gravity Signals PDF icon
10 Pinar, A., H.S. Kuyuk, M. Comoglu, M. Erdik and E. Safak A Test Bed for Earthquake Early Warning Algorithms in Istanbul: The Virtual Seismologist, PRESTo and ElarmS-2 PDF icon
20 Picozzi, M., A. Manconi, V. Coviello and F. De Santis Landslide Induced Seismicity: Near real-time Detection and Characterization Using Regional Seismic Networks PDF icon
21 Melbouci, B. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Tigzirt Landslide PDF icon
23 Diagourtas, D., L. Voumvourakis, L. Perlepes and A. Kostarids Gsense: A Low Cost Real-Time Building Earthquake Damage Assessment System PDF icon
24 Zembaty, Z., S. Kokot and P. Bobra Investigations of the Application of Modern Rotation Rate Sensors in On-line Monitoring of Stiffness Variations of Structures PDF icon


The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie. The deadline for submission of contributions is 11 April 2016. The manuscripts will undergo a peer review process and the proceedings volume will have a citable ISBN number and be published as quickly as possible during the year 2016. For examples of previous volumes, see here.

Contributions submitted should not exceed 10-15 (absolute maximum) printed pages. Color figures will be printed at no charge. One printed copy of the volume will be mailed upon publication to every participant at no additional charge, and the PDF will be made available online. Please use the template (click here to download) when preparing your manuscripts.