Jean Flick – In memoriam
Published on Tuesday August 25, 2009
Jean André Flick (04 May 1930 – 10 April 2008)
“Johnny Flick was an outstanding and a remarkable personage. He was firmly rooted in his native country and coincidently thinking and engaging himself in international frames – like many great Luxemburgers in the recent European history.
This feature of his personality together with his persistence and flexibility (and humour) when willing to reach a goal is the key to understand why, owing to his indefatigable engagements, Luxembourg could more and more become a centre for European geo-scientific communication and research, finally leading to the foundation of the European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS) with the Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) of Luxembourg as its legal seat.
Johnny Flick became the first president of this new scientific centre. And when recently the University of Luxembourg was founded, he felt it as one of his great fortunes that he could live to see what he regarded as a historical event for his country.”
by Manfred Bonatz
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