JLG95, November 9-11, 2009 |
Open Session |
Hinderer, J. and the GHYRAF team |
New results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) experiment in relation to the use of ground and space geodesy to constrain water storage changes |
Pfeffer, J., M. Boucher, J. Hinderer, G. Favreau, J. Boy, C. de Linage, B. Luck and M. Oi |
How absolute gravimetric measurements and magnetic resonance sounding surveys help to constrain water storage variability: the case of a semiarid, endoreic catchment in Sahelian Southwest Niger |
Riccardi, U., S. Rosat and J. Hinderer |
Results from some calibration experiments conducted at Strasbourg superconducting gravity station |
Eicker, A. |
How can GRACE contribute to our understanding of the Earth system? Satellite gravity data processing at Bonn University and geophysical applications |
Fernandez, J., A. Arjona, J.F. Prieto, M.A. Santoyo, A. Seco, D. Monells, J.L.G. Pallero, E. Prieto, F. Luzon and J.J. Mallorqui |
Application of CPT, an advanced DInSAR technique, to study surface displacement near Itoiz dam, Navarra, Spain (Extended Abstract) |
Sansosti, E., A. Pepe, S. Pepe, G. Solaro, P. Tizzani, M. Manzo, G. Zeni and R. Lanari |
InSAR-based investigation of the April 2009 Abruzzo (Central Italy) earthquake |
Plenkers, K., G. Kwiatek and the JAGUARS-Group |
JAGUARS-project: Observation of seismic events with f > 25 kHz at Mponeng deep gold mine, South Africa |
Special Session I – Continental Rifting |
Oyen, A., C. Wauthier, N. d’Oreye and R.F. Hanssen |
The 2007 rifting event in northern Tanzania studied by C and L-band interferometry |
D’Oreye, N., P.J. Gonzalez, A. Shuler, L. Bagalwa, G. Ekström, J. Fernandez, D. Kavotha, F. Kervyn, F. Lukaya, E. Osodundu, A. Oth and C. Wauthier |
Was the February 2008 Bukavu seismic sequence associated with magma intrusion? |
Wölbern, I., G. Rümpker, M. Lindenfeld and A. Jakovlev |
Constraints on the seismic structures for the Rwenzori region in western Uganda from local and teleseismic events (Extended Abstract) |
Edel, J.-B. |
Gravimetric and magnetic constraints on the structure and composition of the crust of the Upper Rhine Graben area: a strong Variscan inheritance |
Grimmer, J.C., G.H. Eisbacher and W. Fielitz |
Late Variscan lithospheric extension in the northern Schwarzwald basement (SW-Germany): its possible role in locating the Cenozoic Rhine Graben Rift |
Barth, A. and J.R.R. Ritter |
Seismicity pattern and magnitude frequencies of the Upper Rhinegraben (Extended Abstract) |
Schmidt, B. |
Earthquakes attributed to geothermal plants near fault zones in the north Upper Rhine Graben |
Ritter, J.R.R., S. Kirschner, M. Wagner and B. Wawerzinek |
The deep structure of the Upper Rhine Graben: Constraints from teleseismic measurements and geodynamic implications |
Achauer, U. and G. Herquel |
Upper mantle structure beneath the southern Rhinegraben based on seismic tomographic imaging and SKS-splitting analysis |
Knöpfler A., F. Masson, M. Mayer, P. Ulrich and B. Heck |
GURN (GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network) – Status and first results (Extended Abstract) |
Special Session II – Earthquake ground motions and seismic hazard |
Parolai, S., M. Picozzi, D. Bindi, A. Strollo, M. Pilz, D. Di Giacomo and J. Zschau |
Site effects estimation in urban areas: past and ongoing activities at the GFZ |
Aochi, H., F. de Martin, A. Kato and the Debate project group |
Simulation of the 2007 Mw6.6 Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki earthquake: dynamic rupture process, wave propagation and near-field strong ground motion |
Pilz, M., S. Parolai, R. Wang and J. Zschau |
Shear wave velocity model of the basin of Santiago de Chile derived from ambient noise measurements for the determination of seismic site conditions and amplification |
Frischknecht, C., S. Hurter and O. Kaufmann |
Characterization of local seismic site effects using ambient noise measurements: the case of the soil foundation class D in Geneva |
Di Giacomo, D., S. Parolai, P. Bormann, H. Grosser, J. Saul, A. Oth and J. Zschau |
Rapid determination of the energy magnitude Me |
Oth, A., S. Parolai, D. Bindi and D. Di Giacomo |
Source properties, site amplification and crustal attenuation in Japan from spectral analysis of K- and KiK-net data |
Picozzi, M., C. Milkereit, S. Parolai, K. Fleming, J. Zschau, J. Fischer, F. Kühnlenz, B. Lichtblau and I. Eveslage |
Wireless mesh network of seismic sensors, new perspectives for seismic early warning, earthquake task force missions and monitoring of civil infrastructure |
Lecocq, T., D. Lombardi, M. Van Camp, K. Vanneste, K. Verbeeck and Th. Camelbeeck |
The earthquake activity in Central Belgium since July 2008 |
Ameri, G., D. Bindi, L. Luzi, M. Massa, F. Pacor and R. Paolucci |
The 6 April 2009 Mw6.3 L’Aquila (Central Italy) earthquake: characteristics of near-fault strong ground motions |
Sokolov, V. and F. Wenzel |
Spatial correlation of strong ground motion and uncertainty in earthquake loss estimation (Extended Abstract) |
Posters |
Bala, A., S.F. Balan, J.R.R. Ritter, D. Hannich |
Modeling of seismic site amplification based on in situ borehole measurements in Bucharest, Romania (Extended Abstract) |
Lombardi, D., Th. Camelbeeck, G. Rapagnani, M. Van Camp, N. Bergeot, C. Bruyninx, O. Francis, T. Van Dam |
Geodetic and seismological research initiatives at the new Princess Elisabeth station, Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica |
Gonzalez Mendez, P.J., M. Palano, J. Fernandez |
Study of the present-day tectonics and seismogenic sources of the Al-Hoceima region (Morocco) using GPS and MTInSAR |
Jorjiashvili, N. , M. Elashvili |
Attenuation relation and development of seismic hazard of Caucasus region (Extended Abstract) |
Ousadou, F., R. Harouni, A. Ayad |
Velocity field along northern Algeria from seismic moment summation of earthquakes (Extended Abstract) |
Shanov, S., A. Boykova |
Tectonic context of the Black Sea earthquake from the 5th of August 2009 (ML=4.8) |
Yetirmishli, G. |
Seismicity and seismic risk of big cities of Azerbaijan territory |